If you have something (Non-commercial) you would to list on WLCT COUNTRY 102.1 Swap〰N〰 Shop e-mail us from the bottom of this page
Today's Swap〰N〰Shop List on WLCT COUNTRY 102.1
Free to a good home: 2 tri color, 4 year old Beagles – call 615-633-2492
5x10 tilt trailer for sale – call 615-666-2940 after 6pm
Someone is available to mow yards in the Lafayette area – call 615-666-5951
Someone is looking for a couple loads of firewood to be delivered and they have for sale: a 15ft utility trailer - $350 and an extra large 1/2in thick plywood box with top - $30 – call 615-281-2009
For Sale: male chocolate Cocker Spaniel - $400 and a female parti Cocker Spaniel - $200 – call 615-388-3930
For Sale: a 140 International tractor with cultivators and turning plow in good shape – call 615-561-6681
For Sale: Cumberland Valley bedroom suite by Davis Cabinet Company, a Pennsylvania Cherry bedroom suite by Cresent Furniture, Victorian sofa, parlor chairs and marble top tables – call 615-481-4787
For Sale: a nice Blue Ember gas grill with a side burner on one side and ice bucket on the other - $100 obo – call 615-666-5359 or 615-888-7135
Hay for sale - $25 a roll – call 615-666-5376
For Sale: John Deere 262 48in riding mower, a Snapper 48in cut riding mower with welded deck, kitchen table with woven chairs and a standard sliding glass door – call 615-666-8977